Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Get Cassie’s Smoking Hot 'Equation' Style

You saw R&B songstress Cassie’s smoking hot look during her "Equation" fusion hook up with Desi designer Alia Khan. And now brings you the secrets behind Cassie’s sizzling style! We talked to Alia Khan about how she prepared to dress the hip hop princess and how to get her hot look.

How did you prepare for dressing Cassie?

"I was told to dress her fusion and I’m an avant-garde designer myself, so I thought of her personality, hair color and skin tone. She has a fusion personality, so I picked clothes with a fusion style. I picked 20 styles prior to the shoot and once I met her I knew what would look wonderful on her," Alia revealed.

And working with a fusion personality like Cassie turned out be a trouble-free affair!

"She did everything, she liked the colors and the embellishments, but we decided on three or four outfits and she looked amazing. For me she has a lovely body, so I wanted to show her curves and compliment her complexion so we went for neutral tones and brown. I wanted her eyes to be bright, and not have too many colors. Her jewels were white stones that sparkled and matched the dresses."

So how do you go about to get Cassie’s fusion style?

"The first thing is to pick out the styles, before hair and makeup, wear what you want to wear in terms of colors, depending on if you’re going out for the evening or not. Look at the wardrobe first; the wardrobe decides the hair and makeup. Look at the colors and then go into hair and makeup," Alia told us.

"Cassie looked great in the brown lengha and the black uneven skirt; it was a subtle look with embellished fabric, so I used a lot of makeup, soft lips, deep, colored eyes with lots of black, brown and shimmers of gold. Get light pink lips, a natural tone and soft cheeks. Let the hair be free, fusion clothes are formal so you want the hair to be free, maybe a few curls, flirty kind of hair with a natural and soft look to the face. Keep the eyes bright and colored."

So there you have it! Now you can go out and get Cassie’s smoking hot fusion look from her "Equation" hook up with Desi designer Alia Khan. Have fun!

Saturday, October 10, 2009